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- An explination of your rating or how we can improve our site would be helpful.

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(Important Note: You will be perminently banned from this directory if this question is not answered correctly!)

ODP Directory - We do not manage the DMOZ listings, if you would like to place your site on the ODP you may submit your site by using the links in the green box (like the one below) at the bottom of link pages.

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Additional - Please post any additional comments, tell us how we can improve our site, or suggest a new catagory here.


Final Note: Submission does not guaruntee placement on this site. Entries may be checked for content or othe reasons (working links, proper catagory placement, etc.).

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Updated: July 29, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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